Lieu : Sophia-Antipolis (Alpes-Maritimes) · Contrat : Stage · Rémunération : 550 euros/Mois €
L'Inria (Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique) est un organisme public de recherche français dédié aux sciences du numérique. Fondé en 1967, il est spécialisé dans la recherche en informatique et en mathématiques appliquées. L'Inria collabore avec des universités, des entreprises et d'autres institutions pour développer des innovations technologiques dans des domaines comme l'intelligence artificielle, la réalité virtuelle, la robotique, la cybersécurité et les systèmes embarqués. Ses travaux visent à relever des défis scientifiques et industriels à travers des projets de recherche et le transfert technologique.
This project is situated in the context of a joint project between ANR CREAT-
TIVE3D (Inria Biovision team) and Handitechlab Inria, with the objective to
develop an application in virtual reality (VR) to simulate visual impairments and
their impact on various everyday activities. Specifically, low-vision conditions
refer to visual impairments that cannot be full relieved through corrective lenses
nor surgical procedures, strongly impacting daily interactions and activities of
people suffering from these conditions. Currently, due to their invisibility, these
impacts are often not well-understood by the general public nor by services with
whom patients must interact. With the high level of immersion and interactivity
afforded by VR, there is a strong interest to harness VR technologies to create
realistic simulations that are representative of the difficulties and challenges
faced by people living with visual handicaps.
The recruited intern will contribute to the development of a visual impairement
simulator coupled with interactive 3D scenes and scenarios in VR.
* Development and programming skills for 3D game engines (Unity) and/or
virtual reality headsets
• Competences in 3D content creation, backed by coursework and/or projects
in Blender, Unity or Unreal
• Knowledge of graphics pipeline and shader language (GLSL or HLSL) is a
• Ability to communicate clearly with multidisciplinary colleagues
• A good level of French and English (speaking and writing)
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